Occupational Therapy

Our Occupational Therapists (OTs) work within the hospital, outpatient programs and in people’s homes.

Our role is to enable you to regain optimal safe and functional independence in everyday tasks.

Your OT will identify with you and/or your family what you were able to do before your admission and what you need to do again to return home safely.

We will also help you identify what is stopping you from performing certain tasks and assist you to problem solve and/or teach you alternative ways of doing these tasks.


An OT can assist you in our medical, surgical, acute, medical, rehabilitation and ICU wards and in the emergency department.


Community Rehabilitation

This service is for adults who need intensive rehabilitation of about six weeks to achieve their goals for living/working in the community. This service also incorporates a falls specialist service for people who are experiencing or are at risk of falls. The service is provided in the Community Rehabilitation Centre located at the hospital or in your home.

Hand Therapy Clinic

This service is for people who require a splint for their hand or arm and need further training to help their hand and/or arm improve functionally. You will usually be referred to the OT by your surgeon, GP or ward OT or other allied health professional.

Lymphoedema  Clinic

This service is for prescription of compression garments for people diagnosed with Lymphoedema or Venous Insufficiency. Please note this clinic cannot provide  “TED” stockings. Referrals are from your Doctor and to be assessed for lower limb garments a recent Arterial Doppler result is required.


If you are booked for hip or knee surgery at Armadale Hospital, an OT will contact you by telephone prior to your admission to assess if you will require equipment or services in your home post discharge to aid your recovery.

In the community

During or following your admission it maybe necessary for an OT to visit your home and identify any hazards or difficulties you experience when carrying out everyday tasks such as making a meal, getting on and off your bed or entering in and out of your shower.

If required, you may be loaned equipment to assist with these tasks and/or be shown other ways of performing these tasks.

A homecare carpenter may also visit to install rails or ramps in your home if necessary.

Community patients who are not eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme or My Aged Care can be referred for an OT home assessment by their general practitioner (GP).

Mental Health

Our team provides group and individual occupational therapy services within the Armadale Mental Health Service in the following areas:

  • adult inpatient wards – (Banksia, Karri and Leschen)
  • transitional rehabilitation program – (Karri and Leschen wards)
  • outpatient transitional rehabilitation program for adults aged 18 to 65.

Our OTs in mental health help people to maintain and/or learn new skills in the areas of self care, leisure and productivity to enable you to manage your daily tasks independently and engage in the community.

Equipment Returns

Where possible we ask that you return any equipment loaned to you by your Occupational Therapist to the Allied Health Rehabilitation entrance Monday to Friday between 8am – 4pm.

This entrance is located to the left of the main entrance as you face the hospital and has a pink flower on the portico. You are welcome to park under the portico while you unload the loan equipment.

If you cannot return the equipment to the hospital, please phone 9391 2393 and leave a message to organise equipment pick up.


Please note that there is usually a waitlist for equipment pick-up.

Last Updated: 20/08/2024