Celebrating the Armadale Screening Team

Recent patient feedback has shone a light on the work done by a relatively new addition to the Armadale Health Service.
Armadale’s Door Screening team was complimented last month for going “above and beyond” to help a patient, looking after her at the entrance and arranging a taxi directly to the main doors after she attended the hospital for a procedure.
The team of 15 staff are the first faces visitors and patients see when they walk through the front doors and are responsible for ensuring that they meet all the requirements for entering the hospital – a key role in keeping vulnerable patients and the workforce safe.
A/COVID Clerical Coordinator Lyndsey Donnelly says the team are incredibly passionate about their work, and it is not the first time they have gone out of their way to assist a patient.
“The team get to know the regular patients and visitors, often greeting them by name and enquiring about them and their families,” she said.
“They always take it upon themselves to solve whatever issue appears at the door, calling around until they can find a solution for the person. This could be looking up bus timetables, calling them a taxi, organising for a gift to be dropped off to a patient or even providing water on hot days.
“The front doors can get pretty busy ahead of visiting hours, but the team work really hard to screen everyone as quickly as possible, so they don’t lose time with their loved ones. It’s a pretty new team and despite this they’re very close knit and constantly support each other.”
Well done team! Thanks for all your hard work.