Patients and staff flock to Kalamunda for Palliative Care Week

Last week, 22-28 May 2022, was National Palliative Care Week. This year’s theme, “Palliative Care. It’s your right,” aimed to raise awareness about the rights of all Australians to access high-quality palliative care when they need it.
Kalamunda Hospital led the charge with several events aimed at helping spark conversations between patients, families, and staff.
Organised by the Palliative Care Centre (PCC) team, the events included a soup lunch, educational activities, and even a visit from some four-legged friends.
Two lambs were the PCC’s guests of honour providing patients with cuddles, bottle feeds and opening difficult conversations about death and grief.
Nurse Unit Manager Judy Brand said the kind of conversations she overheard between patients, staff and families was wonderful to hear.
“Having the lambs on site for a few days provided so much comfort, joy and stress relief for everyone,” she said.
“I had one family member say that it was the best day ever, they were able to cry with joy and pain, and even open up about their feelings and grief. When we put the lamb on their mum, they all started talking about their wonderful childhood memories.
“Everyone was smiling, a patient that’s never moved from his bed got up just to be able to feed the lambs. He also joined in with a group activity – it was really heart-warming to see.”
Judy says the week’s main aim was to celebrate, de-stress and bring the team together to acknowledge them for their amazing work.
“Staff were saying this is what true palliative care looked like, happiness, conversations, de-stressing. I think it reminded everyone that they weren’t alone in their grief, that they didn’t have to be alone, and palliative care is about continuing to do things that matter,” she said.