International Women's Day

At EMHS we celebrate the achievements of our organisation's amazing women at every opportunity. Today, on International Women’s Day, we would like to share with you the excellent achievement of Armadale Hospital’s Intensive Care Physiotherapist, Fion Lau.
Fion recently became the first Physiotherapist in Australia to complete a Certificate of Allied Health Performed Ultrasound (CAHPU) and be accredited by the Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (ASUM). Congratulations and well done Fion!
The CAHPU qualification means Fion is the first Australian Physiotherapist to be qualified to perform lung and diaphragm ultrasounds at a patient’s bedside.
“I feel very humble about this achievement,” said Fion.
“Without the support of my team in Armadale Kalamunda Group and EMHS, I would not have been able to achieve what I have.
“This achievement was a multi-disciplinary and multi-team effort between medical and physiotherapy staff, and the intensive care unit and emergency teams.”
Fion was mentored by Dr Ashes Mukherjee, an ED consultant, who is passionate about constantly improving care for our patients and was instrumental in Fion gaining her qualification.
It is fantastic to see so many teams within EMHS working together to support Fion’s strive for excellence in her field.
“EMHS embraces and celebrates personal achievement and great team work,” said Fion.
“That is what I like the most about working here at Armadale Hospital.”
Keep up the amazing work Fion!